
HIPAA, Security Program, CCPA

Data Breach in the Healthcare Industry – The High Cost of Doing Nothing

As technology advances and the reliance on digital systems grows, the risk of data breaches in the health-tech sector has increased significantly. This article explores the implications healthcare providers face following data breaches, focusing on a recent cyberattack on Regal

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Privacy Law Confusion and The American Data Privacy Protection Act

The American Data Privacy Protection Act currently making its way to the House floor is not just another privacy bill destined for failure. On the contrary, unlike past attempts, today's political climate is ripe for action in the wake of the

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Privacy, CCPA

Biometric Privacy in the Workplace – What You Need to Know

The complex legal landscape surrounding privacy, including biometrics, continues to evolve at the state level. Arduous legislation has led to lengthy privacy policies across the internet. Based on a study conducted by former chief technologist for

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EU Privacy - New GDPR Data Transfer Tools

New EU data privacy laws impact companies in 2022. In June 2021, the European Commission adopted a new set of standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data outside of EU countries such as the United States. Businesses have

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Penetration Testing, Security Program, CCPA, ISO27001

Do you have APIs? How do you test them?

Application Program Interfaces (APIs) have changed in nature in recent years and are increasingly (and sometimes inadvertently) being made available to users of web services, the “Apps” (applications) on mobile devices, and internally for the web

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