Penetration Testing, Security Program, Risk Assessment

Combating Ransomware Attacks Through Comprehensive Penetration Testing

Ransomware is still a major threat. In fact, the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP's) of ransomware gangs have evolved so much that it has created new business models within the darknet where premium services such as Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) are offered. The reality

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CISO, vCISO, Penetration Testing, HIPAA, Security Program, Risk Assessment

The One Reason to Pen Test Data Backup Systems - Ransomware Protection

At the heart of your disaster recovery plan, organizations often disregard data backup and recovery systems when it comes to pen testing and maintaining security. Vulnerable backup systems make for an attractive target by ransomware gangs, grief/

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PCI DSS, CISO, vCISO, Penetration Testing, HIPAA, Security Program, Risk Assessment, Red Teaming

The 0-day in the Room Nobody is Talking About: Scope

Scope is an important shaping tool that, when leveraged properly, can help enhance engagement outcomes during penetration testing, red team and other security operations. Like any tool, however, when used incorrectly it can have devastating

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Security Program, Risk Assessment

Diminishing Returns in Cybersecurity

If you have ever taken a course in economics, then you should know a thing or two about the law of diminishing returns. It may very well be the subject’s most famous and immediately recognizable principle. Here is the gist of it; there is a point at

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Penetration Testing, Security Program, Risk Assessment

The Marriott Hack: A Cautionary Tale for Corporate Acquisitions

The case of the Marriott hack is, at once, an alarming prospect for the chain’s previous guests and an invaluable case study for any organization involved in any kind of merger. At the very least, it serves as a cautionary tale for businesses that

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Risk Assessment

7 IT Security Risk Assessment Myths Debunked

Though the use of security risk assessments is widespread, often because they are mandated by compliance standards, there are a number of false assumptions about them that simply aren’t true. These misconceptions often center around confusion about

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Risk Assessment

How to Prepare for an Information Security Risk Assessment

It’s finally time for the security risk assessment you’ve been pushing off… You may have been delaying because you believe risk assessments aren’t really valuable— that you just have to perform one for compliance or that it’s only going to tell you

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Risk Assessment

How to Actually Use Your Security Risk Assessment Report

You just received the results from your security risk assessment, but now what? It’s not uncommon for companies to perform this analysis only to check the compliance checkbox and never do anything with the results. Don’t just file your risk

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Risk Assessment

How to Identify Your Security Risks & Develop a Plan You Can Afford

When it comes to conducting security risk assessments, it can be difficult knowing where to get started. Even after identifying your scope and assets, there are a number of vulnerabilities and threats to be considered. Add some structure to your

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